Sunday, January 14, 2007


Posted at last Sunday, Sep 10, 2006

I remember that I already had a Blog which I made using other site. it was at
But since it's not as popular as selling hot cakes just like this blogspot.....I thought of transferring my account and my daily online journals here.
So, it's goes like this people..............................posted September 10,2006. Sunday
I wasn't able to post a blog yesterday. 'coz I was off to church and did some spiritual stuff for my spiritual body.
It may sounds so corny but we truly need sometimes.not sometimes but most of the time to have ample hours for the Mighty Being up there.I just thank God for the 6 days He had given for us and the blessings that we receive each day.The sermon was good and its all about God's powerful messages,how it will change us unless we will allow Him to do so.
After the service,we went directly to the dining area for the hearty potluck.Gee,I never contribute anything, however, I didnt indulge myself to the food coz its my way of culture not too eat too much on Saturdays.Right now, I browsed the net and check my emails from abroad.Of course, updating my website every now and then.

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