Wednesday, April 09, 2008


I wish to promote this New Blog Awards,co organizing by one of the BisdakPlanet members...organized by the Pinoy Bloggers..
There are prizes at stake aside from the Awards,they will be distributing Ipod shuffle and books to those who deserves the award.Join now and help promote the awards.
So,click this site: THE BLOG AWARD CHALLENGE

The Blog Awards Challenge is a blog competition combining literary skills, interactivity and peer polling. The Blog Awards Challenge is bi-weekly theme-based writing event for everyone in the blogosphere. A challenge is posted in the site every two weeks. Bloggers who wish to compete will write about the theme and post the entry on their respective blogs. [Please read about the challenge and rules of the game first.

(Source:The Blog Awards)


Anonymous said...

Nice activity. I guess its a great challenge every week for you to put up a very good post as well.

Anonymous said...

You have some very interesting activities and sure have plenty of life experience to share. keep them coming.

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