Monday, April 19, 2010


Sorry for not keeping my promise... I lied 'coz I was on a six days trip in Hongkong, eventually it was only 5 days to be exact. The trip wasn't enough and unsatisfying, because it's too short to imagine and yet there's so many places to visit and more things to discover about. My happiness has been completed when God gave unexpected blessings which was a short trip in Hongkong and a side-trip to Macau. Honestly, I'm still savoring my trip in Hongkong...I dunno why I have this feeling that it drawn to me easily. During my trip there, my group and I decided to stay in a hostel for a cheaper budget instead of staying in a costly wasn't that expensive which was enough for a backpacking place stay on..the room was so simple and it's located in the heart of Nathan Road-Kowloon. We were just eating separately and spent our money for food wherever we wish to eat. The hostel we had stayed was located at Nathan Road, who happens to be the center and famous road in can see it in front of a big mall and easy to locate since there are a lot of Indians grouping outside of the building. The building was a mixed of a department store, apartment of the entrance way to the hostels were filled with techie stored owned by Indians and Africans...its kindda of annoying 'coz they'll approached you and blocking on the way..its honestly congested but safe. On our way to HK, we thought it's summer too just as the same weather in Thailand, but to our surprised people wearing winter jackets as it was still spring in Hongkong..well, love the weather there. To make it short, I love Hongkong, the energy and busyness of the people..I think I'd survive there. Anyway, here are the photos serves as a proof. Just indulge your eyes of the nice views that you'll see of the pixies.

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