Monday, February 09, 2009


Sorry about the downtime with the blog thing. I usually blog after work and I was off for a while.
I have a weird little mood going. Manic – depressive. Well now that I write it, I guess that ain’t too weird; that is what we are. The problems in life is finding it harder and harder to put me to a good night’s rest. I often think that I am not hitting the right sleep position and wake up feeling worse than when I went to sleep. Guaranteed If I ran out I wouldn’t sleep much. My mind is constantly turning. I thoughts flood out just about everything. When people talk to me I have to make a conscious effort to pay attention and often that doesn’t help and I have to ask them to start over. My eyes are constantly wide and intense. I find myself dominating conversations and unable to shut-up.
I will say that luckily I haven’t had too much rage that usually wells inside during the manic times. A few days everyone’s voices grated my nerves and I got pissy, but overall I remained calm. I have caught myself at work getting irritated and having to reign in my comments that otherwise would seem crass or even belligerent.
I haven’t had any anxiety attacks since last I blogged and this makes Ash very happy. Man do I hate those.
Work hasn’t been too stressful lately, although I have been gone more than there lately. Not being there usually does wonders for stress levels.
My body has been adjusting the sleepless nights and was gotten used to it.

1 comment:

vicky said...

I got a nice Peterson jersey from

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