Friday, July 27, 2007


In this troubled land, desperation keeps us down, it really test your ground. Searching for a good-high-paying-job is really hard to find nowadays in this country.
There were million of jobhunters in this land including myself. Hungry cows will surely go for a greener luxuriant grass to satisfy the hungry abdomen. I thought the moment I finally step out in the big University would be a piece of cake as College graduate. Much to my surprise, the competition is so tough, multitude of starving prey were also in competitive situation.
When I seriously face the world for the 3rd times, unexpected wrong surmise amazed me that my education isn't enough tool to guarantee that a better career which cosiderately a lifetime monetary wise awaits beforehand, contrariwise, its an upsetting conundrum.
Afraid to be idle after graduation, offer from mediocre job was so hard to resist. My happiness had no bounds when I got the job as teacher at a Language Institute with in doubt of the verbal agreement suspiciously.
For a very short of two months working at the Language Institute wasn't a feeling of pleasurable that comes when a need or desire is fulfilled because I was expecting that I could stay a bit longer as I confidently believed since my enjoyment for teaching was sincerely with deep feeling and full spirit inspite of workin' with those insincere claimed SDA Christians or pious to be exact.
My cognition had come to a definite presentiment that its better to work with those non-believers rather to those who profess to be missionaries and SDA Christians,yet,ironically disagreeing what is supposed to be as it is. Christ had said at Matthew 23 verses 3,27 & 33,"FOR THEY DON'T PRACTICE WHAT THEY PREACH;"WOE TO YOU HYPOCRITES YOU ARE LIKE WHITE WASHED TOMBS WHICH LOOK BEAUTIFUL ON THE OUTSIDE BUT FULL OF DEAD MEN'S BONES AND EVERYTHING UNCLEAN;"YOU SNAKES! YOU BROOD OF VIPERS." what a blant yet painful statement, isn't it?
Sometimes human nature prone to criticize what is exactly visible to the eyes. I can't pictorially imagine having an immediate unprincipled superior who has a poor leadership and cannot fully express her normal self in refine English but a jibberish constipated English.A 3rd time flunkers ugly coyote,educated in the medical field yet, professionally uncultured busybody.Moreover, a questionably unvarnished to teach.
Handful subordinates whom I called a yesman hyena and nothing but a coward hopeless slavish followers,short-necked individuals or let say Sip-sip in Tagalog serves devil advocates aggravating the circumstances with the desire they won't be evicted.
Without realizing that they were on the abysmal ignorance, clouded the silly rules of this bumptious outsider.Claimant as religious leader but a leech-sucking of the sophisticating intelligentsia of this poor country.This outsider hails from out of nowhere seemingly enjoying of ejecting tenants unfairly.
May God forgive me for bringing this out in the open allowing everybody to read online.
When you allow emotions to voice out freely,word of adjective came out easily as likely to describe these earthly things,DESPICABLE- so to speak.
I just write to explain the bad feelings I have supressed right now and I know that the tone of my writing affects the moods of the readers.Nevertheless,'am I hitting the wall so hard enough for them to collapse? well, its just a statement or act of freeing myself from moral pains.
Honest to goodness,I praised God - He allowed things to happen which I realized somehow that faraway I already made history.
Now, I already crossed the line and dance upon the rain that there is always a way to escape from strife.
If there is something to loose, there's everything to go....the final shout is over...thanks to this internet thing..emotions that can't be spoken out verbally,there is an option to choose but scribbling them down..and this is it.


p said...

man will constantly be prejudiced to his fellows, even when they have bad English!

Eric said...

Thanks for dropping by tpb....honestly,Filipino by nature are just plainly like it what we called crab mentality?
I'm trying to cool down and understand everything that happens around me to expand the horizons of my mind.....thanks for reminding me about it.

Christinehaze is SC's author said...

what a long reach, lol. bitaw uy I enjoyed reading jud and you are absolutely anyway. Blog serves as our comfort zone, so there you go.

I'm SDA baya hehehe....

This is a good shares btw!

Eric said...

Wow..I'm happy Haze that we are in the same ground spiritually.
What I had written in here were just the outcome of my outburst emotion being maligned by fellow SDA's..hope you would understand me..

Anonymous said...

Eric how are you? you should know that not all inside the church are called to be true SDA christians...some may true some were just pretending to be but they will be the one who will persecute us during the end of times....we will pray for you and you should know that us your family in AUP is still raying for you.

Anonymous said...

Kuya eric musta na? miss na kita......pray lang ako sau.

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