Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Pushcart educator named CNN Hero of the YearMANILA, Philippines – (UPDATE 2) For his innovative “Kariton Klasrum” (pushcart classroom) Filipino educator Efren Peñaflorida has been awarded by CNN as “2009 Hero of the Year.”
Peñaflorida was awarded during the CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood. He received his award from American actress Eva Mendes. He bested nine other nominees from different countries for the Hero of the Year award. The nominees were initially selected by a panel of 14 “Blue Panel” luminaries but the Hero of the Year award was given to the one with the most number of online votes in the CNN Heroes’ website.
Peñaflorida will have been the first Filipino to become a nominee of the annual CNN Heroes’ awards and the first Filipino to win the top prize.
The project, already on its third year, is a tribute by the international news organization to selfless humanitarian acts of individuals from different countries.
In his acceptance speech, quoted by CNN, Peñaflorida said: “Our planet is filled with heroes, young and old, rich and poor, man, woman of different colors, shapes and sizes. We are one great tapestry. Each person has a hidden hero within, you just have to look inside you and search it in your heart, and be the hero to the next one in need.”
"So to each and every person inside in this theater and for those who are watching at home, the hero in you is waiting to be unleashed. Serve, serve well, serve others above yourself and be happy to serve. As I always tell to my co-volunteers ... you are the change that you dream as I am the change that I dream and collectively we are the change that this world needs to be."
Peñaflorida will receive $100,000, which will be used to fund his work in the Dynamic Teen Company (DTC), a volunteer organization that he put up to conduct his “Kariton Klasrum” program.
Peñaflorida’s program conducts weekly visits to poor and underserved areas in Cavite, north of Luzon, to teach young people basic lessons in Mathematics, English, and Science using only a specially designed pushcart.
In a previous interview, Peñaflorida said he would continue holding weekly lessons and hoped that it would encourage other people to lend time to help others in need.
When they learned that Peñaflorida was chosen as CNN's “Hero of the Year” on Sunday, his members were busy training new volunteers for the "pushcart classrooms," the same work that gave him worldwide recognition.
Peñaflorida's 20-year-old sister Glenis Mae was at the group's office in Cavite City, attending the training and learned about the good news after checking CNN's website Sunday afternoon.
(Source:Inquirer Global Nation)

Just like to share this touching story which I got from Global Nation Inquirer website when a (certain) Filipino teacher won as "Hero of the Year" by CNN news just this November 22,2009.
I know that I'm already late on posting this one but better late than never. I never knew anything about the latest buzz about my country since I left last October 26th.
When I checked the site and viewed it on youtube I cried a tear but immediately wiped it dry 'coz there were some students playing computers seated on both sides.
The info above gives you a definite birds eye view about the whole story..so just read them.Check this video to view the whole thing about Efren Penaflorida
Lastly, I am proud to be a Filipino Christian teacher........

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