But in these pictures that I posted down is honestly out of the content....do you consider these as Art?
The pictures that you'll see in here are no longer normally art...well that's how I see it.
Question practically pop out in mind..what happen to these people? Are they
losing morality and values in Life?
I can't afford to have a friend like this...nor a relative having an image like this,there's a lot of ways to express oneself thru arts.
I really don't know in the latter part,sense of regrets would haunt them down when realizations proved them wrong.
It caused me soooo much pain just looking at these pictures. I am so sorry but I did not see the beauty in any of those pictures. :-(
Anyway, you have a nice blog.
Looking at these pictures caused me sooooo much pain. Though, I have nothing against them, I am sorry but I do not see any beauty in each of the pictures.
AnywAy, you have a nice blog. *Cheers*
Thank you Rehabman for finding your way to my blog...and for the ideas....
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