Sunday, August 06, 2023

Thai Traditional Costumes

Last month, We held a program restricted to Thai students in Grade 5. Before the day when they all wore them, I was unaware that they would be donning their traditional garb. I enjoyed seeing them and how ecstatic they were to wear their national attire. Their pride in being Thai was evident from the expressions on their faces.
Thailand always promotes and dresses in traditional garb to the best of their ability, and this is something I admire about them. Every day, they dressed professionally in places like schools, offices, government institutions, and other areas aside from hospitals.
I wish the Philippines had to go through with it as well. When visiting almost all Southeast Asia nations, including Malaysia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Cambodia, people always dress according to their cultural traditions, which defines who they are and allows you to identify them as being from that nation. Western culture has already influenced the Philippines, and we constantly look to it as the ideal to imitate rather than sticking to our own. The Philippines has allegedly already lost its true Filipino identity.
And as a teacher working abroad, this made me depressed. I left Thailand in November 2009 to work in Europe and Cambodia for almost four years in an effort to find a better opportunity before deciding to return to Thailand.
Anyway, these are the photographs that I took during the program with my Grade 5 students.

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