Sunday, July 05, 2009


This is one of the longest I have gone without blogging for sometime.I just let my twitter account to be updated of myself everyday.
Well, I'm back now and ready to wash out images again after the sad feelings I had of MJ's death.
Another sad news that shocked me was the sudden death of my fave actress Farah Fawcett. She's one of the original members of Charlie's Angels way back midst of 70's - 80's.
Right after the proclamation of MJ's death was also the announcement that she passed away after the long fight of cancer.Farah Fawcett was no longer active in the showbiz scene about late 80's. Among the original members,she's the most popular and the only blonde which the entire young women back then used to mimic her hairstyle.
She wasn't my crush eventually, its Jacklyn Smith the other member.
I can't even tell you how much pleasure I have derived from watching these shows. It's a total trip to nostalgia event while I was young and adoring these sexy and angel actresses of the 70's number tv show.
it's knocking loose all kinds of memories from when I was a youngster and indulge the entire show with my kins being addictive of the show.It was the most successful series of the 1970's.The 3 women who first played Charlie's Angels were Jaclyn Smith, Farrah Fawcett, and Kate Jackson.
In spite of being famous for her swimsuit pose, which was replicated on millions of posters, it wasn't until 1995 that she agreed to pose for Playboy. That issue sold over four million copies, which made it the magazine's biggest seller for the decade
I can still picture some of the scenes of the tv show...She would be always my fave and can't afford to forget her.

1 comment:

Eric said...

no problems Kouji....I'm just happy that you came by at my blog.

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