Saturday, September 24, 2022

Local Celebrity Fave Scents: Maricel Soriano

Maricel Soriano was one of the local celebrities I'd like to see in films. She's not my favorite actor, but her performance was intense and well-received.
She's also talented in the realm of comedy. She is a chameleon-like female celebrity who can be found in comedies, dramas, and even horror films.
Maricel has entered the world of vlogging to share her daily musings in life, as vlogging is already popular among celebrities and ordinary people. I was one of those who followed her vlog and tried to stay up to date as much as possible.
One of my favorite vlog episodes was when she revealed her favorite scents.
Here is Maricel Soriano's YouTube channel, where she shares her favorite scents of all time 

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Ferdinand Marcos Sr. Favorite Scents