Sunday, September 20, 2009


A Strong Man isn't afraid of anything...
But a Man of Strength shows courage in the midst of his fear.

A Strong Man won't let anyone get the best of him...
But a Man of Strength gives the best of his to everyone...

A Strong Man makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future...
But a Man of Strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings an capitalizes on them...

A Strong Man wears a look of confidence on his face...
But a Man of Strength wears courage.

A Strong Man has faith that he is strong enough for the journey..
But a Man of Strength has faith that it is in the journey that he will become strong.

A Strong Man works out everyday to keep his body in shape....
But a Man of Strength builds relationship to keep his soul in shape.

A Strong Man tangibly shows and proves his masochism through responding to a sensation...
But a Man of Strength strives his best to resist temptation.

Got this inspiring line from a book that I borrowed (and refused to return it back) since its all about Compendium..among the collections I read from the book is this A Strong Man versus A Man of Strength.
What is the difference between being a Strong Man and a Man of Strength? I guess the two has distinctive separated characteristics..
We consider ourselves strong because we believe we are ,yet,it was only a form of defensing ourselves so as we don't want to be called as weak.
However, we failed to be a Man of Strength because we refused to recognize our weaknesses nor accepting our errors but pushing ourselves to believe that we are.
It is God who makes us strong and who gives us the strength just to be the both.
There's nothing wrong being a Strong Man so as a Man of Srength...what if we combined the two? can we be a Strong Man just as a Man of Srength?
I think the two should go together, they are parallel depending on how you claim yourself and share it to what it is.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Each day that you live is like turning the page of a book that still has no end. One whole day is a continuation of the story that makes up your life.
I've been away for a quite sometimes and was unable to update my blog since I'm getting addictive of Facebook farmtown games so as the Twitter.It's already the month of September which the signs of Christmas started to fill our days with the coolness of the weather.Ber(as in September, October, November) has been the starting point of Christmas in the Philippines though it isn't visibly clear but you can feel it the blowing of the air that gently touches your face coldly.
Sadness won't leave me peacefully since counting the year 2009 is becoming a months now yet nothing happens in my life worth to be counted of.
I have a couples of applications that was sent and under evaluation by now which is a good opportunity (from) abroad.My fingers is crossed tightly that somehow the Celestial Being would be kind enough to me this year...I really need to get out of the island before the year ends.
My journey as I grow older is the process of knowing who I am, then recognizing my strengths, and limitations, and finally realization would proved me that no matter how I dream big still its a grain of dreams after all.
Sometimes my knees shake painfully, too tired of fighting the same reasons and goal yet nothing happens...Honestly, familiar faces whom I know which some of them are younger than me successfully making their way abroad that brings so much pain and tears in my life, why they have the good chance to work abroad yet I can't?
Signs isn't enough to be appreciated that opportunity is on its way to my door ready to be grasped...I had enough enough for it...I want answers that would satisfied my long questions.

Ferdinand Marcos Sr. Favorite Scents