Saturday, March 01, 2014

I Thank God

photo courtesy of Google

Last Saturday (which was yesterday) was a great one to have, because we were a bit abounding of number in the Korean church including a new found friend who just frequently joining us.
Normally, it's the Korean Pastor's wife who would always lead out the Sabbath School program with new concepts of icebreaker that may awaken the senses of the church goers.
What she did yesterday was good enough for everyone to think of something that we need to thank God for by listing it down.
I was called to read my lists and shared what I have thank God for about, and here it is....

photo courtesy of Google

I Have All the Reasons in the World to Thank God....
1. for the trials and struggles in life everyday (here in Cambodia).
2. for the blessings of life.
3. the job He provided for me here in Cambodia.
4. the low salary I'm receiving in my teaching job.
5. for the blessings of health both physically and spiritually.
6. for the blessings of a new set of new found friends here in Cambodia.
7. for the blessings of protections.
8. for the blessings of food physically and spiritually.
9. for the blessings of the spiritual gift in teaching.
10. the miracles of getting up everyday.
11. the miracles of opening my eyes every morning.
12. the blessings of having good students.
13. the blessings of having a good school and the new management.
14. the blessings of the bad news that I see and hear everyday reminding myself to cling on more to God.
15. the miracles of having a great God who accepted the worse in me.
16. for the wonderful family I have, we may not perfect but I am glad we aren't.
17. for the blessings that I could find way to go to church every Sabbath and worship with fellow SDAs abroad.
18. the blessings that I could have my own personal devotions everyday.
19. for the persecution I have had.
20. Lastly, for the shower of blessings He gives each day.

These are the lists I have made except numbers 19 & 20 which I added only now to make it 20. Words of gratitude aren't enough to Him, I just feel ashamed and embarrassed because I don't deserve to call Him my father, because of my filthiness but then, I thank God for loving me always..I am just so lucky that I am a child of God and I am claiming that always.

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