Saturday, December 12, 2015

Preengaged After A Great Loss

I've been blog absent for a month and a half. The fondness of keeping posted my online journal was on hibernation for a while on the grounds that, I am still paining and partly agonizing. The death of my mother is the most painful & excruciatingly stinging so to speak.
I am trying to move on, but the insignia of her persona keeps on paining me till now. I do miss her to the moon and back, which the longings of not seeing her at all has engulfed me with sadness and grief.
A closefriend of mine who suffered the same fate, shared the same sentiments that it might take a year to fully recover. To combat on that, I tried to involve myself on church community service or ministry to pass up the pain.
Lately, the my church had a tremendous outreached program showcasing the needs of the surrounding community nearby.

Ferdinand Marcos Sr. Favorite Scents