Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Photo Diary: Cambodian Foodies Part 4

Larger part of the edible materials that I have been posting here are Korean cuisine and Khmer. Been salivating and enjoying my time having these foodies served.
The only chance that I could mostly try the Korean foods is during Sabbath day, as our Korean-church host freely offered vegetarian lunch.
Well, Korean cuisine is among of my fave foods in the world apart from Thai food. I would always love Korea foodies.

Below are somewhat odd or scary to see, so to speak. These aren't snakes, but eel and sea snakes. They are common staples for Asian specially in Cambodia. I haven't seen such a colossal files of eel and sea snakes in my entire life but only here in Cambodia. When I saw these in the local market, it always gives me goosebumps. 

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