Friday, February 24, 2012

Why Travel?

I was (a little) blog absent for a while, it's not that I didn't have much time to blog at all but the unneeded busyness held me to pause and stopped chronicling my stories for a while. School has been so draining these days that prevented me to update my blog.
Just entitling my blog Why Travel? Yeah, why travel? what's in travelling? Some may have strongly disagreed on someone to travel especially these days that money is so tight and economically hard. My family had been travelling the Philippines since back then, even before I was born. When I was a kid my family frequently travels from central part of the country going to the north down to the south. That's when the passion of travelling started to come out. After that, curiosity have bothered me of questioning what its like to be in the other side of the world, and the wanting of seeing the famous landmarks of the world that I'd only see in the pictures and in television.
My first travel abroad was in Thailand when a certain opportunity of teaching came. I saw a lot of travelers mostly backpackers in Thailand, that keeps me motivated to travel to the nearby places and see the world.
I just realized from my travel experiences that we are all the same despite of our differences in culture, language and belief, that there are still good souls around who are nice within though we are far differ from each other. The world is just a small planet when you start a single step & waited to be discovered. Traveling is incredibly exciting on different ways, so as gratifying more. There's nothing more satisfying materially by learning the world & discovering its beauty. What makes it more so adventurous is it helping me to rediscover of myself and expand the horizon of my minds by understanding other people & becoming less judgmental.
The thirsty of learning other cultures and knowing their history has made me motivated also that life defines on what we see literally & making it more real clearly through our travels.





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