Saturday, October 25, 2008


"Without friends the world is but a wilderness...with friends,it is an abundant life."-Silang Memoirs 1990

One of the most beautiful things that happened in my life is learning about this internet thing.Ever since I started to study internet of my own in 2001,it has become a good propeller for me to connect with friends and family and reconnect with my classmates back in high school and in college but lost in contact in the process.
Not recently,I received a long distance call from the States which surprisingly unknown calls for me but formally recognized when we started to exchange of introductions thereafter.
With the cyberspace as our playground,we engraved words abundantly peppered with recalling and greetings.

Her name is Julieta Santos,she was my classmate in second year high school at Olongapo City National High School way way back in the 80's.We were seatmates and seated at the end part of the row.I can still freshly remember the usual kindness we did by "Kopyahan" our answers and sharing of snacks.She was lanky and the tallest among the girls the reason she was voted as muse of the class.
We consistently exchanging emails proving that friendship is just contained in a click of a mouse.
Our last meetings was 1998,we were both boarded on the same bus headed for Olongapo and the rest was forgotten.She's happily married now and blessed with beautiful kids.She's risiding in the States now....
No matter how vague it was,still the chord of friendship clears the dim memories remembering how simple life in High school then was.


Photo Cache said...

The internet is a good place to search for "nawawala sa sirkulasyon" friends. My college friend found me on alumni dot net. Another posted a "help find" post on our province's message board trying to find me and luckily my brother found the post and relayed the message that my fifth grade friend who migrated to Canada in sixth grade was looking for me. So we got reconnected.

It's really nice when this happens.

Eric said...

Good thing that internet was purposely invented so as we can reconnect the persons that we wish to meet in a quickest way,,...

Vegetarian Recipe: Tofu