Monday, May 05, 2008


I was out of the blog circulation for a while...I went home in Olongapo just to spend my summer week end.
My week end vacation was supposedly spending roaming around SBMA and chilling the night life in Olongapo..but it wasn't as I was expected to.Instead,I kept watching my fave old movies in the 80's which were more on musical and a little drama.To name those its Fame,Flashdance, and Footloose.

I had watched the movies already but I love watching them repeatedly.It was by accident that I had bought the movies in original copy..I was on my way to the Victory liner to buy a ticket back to Cavite but the queue was really long that bored me to wait for an I decided to reschedule my trip on Monday morning.
The first idea that had come to mind was to spend time idly in a Department store in Olongapo just to chill because of the heat.My feet had brought me to an area that sells DVD's and all the pirated I checked till I pop these movies that have been lost in the wasteland of forgotten.Not knowing,they are my fave actually.
There’s something so vulnerable about these film that’s been lost in the hyped up special effects and Hollywood ‘megastars’ of todays blockbusters specially introducing to the young generations of today.
These movies are awesome that made 80's one of the most exciting and diverse in cinema history..they are flawless.


escape said...

eric, i was born in the 80s but i didnt had the chance to watch it maybe because i was a kid then. i wonder when these movies where shown. maybe early 80s.

Eric said...

Hi the dong..the movies was shown early 80's..just around you never had the chance to see this movies..but if you can buy at the pirated stores..pls do watch it.

Vegetarian Recipe: Tofu