Was it a sign of man's unsatisfaction? Perhap's it is but not a sign of greediness.I just practically love my blog to be attracted not just only within the content of my writings but the looks as well.
Looks is also a plus factor that allure diversification of readers' globally. At last, I settled into this template that met my criteria and somewhat close exactly to the theme of writing.
Last 15 of March was our Recognition and Commitment Programme.Sort of graduation from the College of Education.The theme was: Molder of Dreams.Invited speaker was genuinely honorable,yet, not considerably as eloquent one.I mean the messages she had delivered during the program was pleasantly with qualities.
Of course,the speaker easily struck what she wanted to say as I was trying to eavesdrop and open-eyed from the dull and drowsily occasion. Sorry, but that's what I honestly felt that time.Somewhat the flow of the program was arid but not totally barren(hehehehe).
After she had spoken,commitment song followed which we cordially tried to give justice to the song, based on the message given.We decidedly agreed to sing "Journey" by Lea Salonga, coincidentally was the song of my graduation back in my first course in College in Cebu.
Honest to goodness, the theme brought my mind into the core of recollection,asking myself " Was I molding the reverie of my students?, 'Am I a molder of dreams?. Again, uncontrollable tears secretly fell down as I tried to picture out the faces of my students in Sto. DOmingo. If I could just simply turn back time,surely I won't dare to terrorize my students.
All things worked rapidly as it is, for God has a purpose why He permitted it.Now, my mind opened to the reality, as my eyes, sees the error that I need to change.Someday, my internship in Sto. Domingo would cause me to remember the moment I practice my profession in the field.
I really had no planned to be present at the Commitment Service, because my cranium dictated me so, however, to my horror that my Dean would hold back my grades and intercept me to graduate, was then the threatened of my Dean.Well, fortuitously as it was, I received 2 medals repugnant to my expectations.The first one was, Professional Award-having the GPA of not less than 3.24, that's basically a deserving and meant for me, I mean that award was the fruit of my studies here in AUP, to the least, though, studious word is out in my vocabulary.Secondly, Most Effecient Intern.Wow, I mean Wow.I could not imagine enough why I bagged the award of Most Effecient Intern! Contrary to the criteria, I am practically way far from being the Most. I guess, my Dean reckoned my being on time in Sto. Domingo and I was able to survive though I am reluctant.Well, I had it already, so its no turning back of the award.
One that made me happy as well, was the present of my two students in II-B, though I'm not exactly the motif of their visit but then, their warmth greetings melted me to say sorry for being so stricture.That was the moment, that I had felt the essence of the program. Flashing of lights for picture taking, flooded around in Finster Hall.
Good thing that friends (like Amiel T.) around had the initiative of giving us the snapshot.Well, graduation day is almost at the gate. Pretty excited, somewhat mixed emotions! 'Am I going to cry? Don't know yet if my eyes would refuse to bring forth tears, let's just see and anticipate.
God Bless Me, because God made Me Me.

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