When future seems untrue & blurred, as if hope gone slowly to forlorn-we glided to discourage and ask," What Future do I Have? ".
Growing up in a poor family, I always dreamt of having a fine,classic life.But up to now I'm still gruppling tightly whether chance would come or not. Aside from obtaining a good christian Education; shaping & building my own dreams is really hard to establish when I only start now putting a scaffold in the midst of my adult years.
I remember an old song that goes," When I was just a little kid, I asked my mother what shall I be? Will I be richer, will I be poor?; this is what she said to me, " Que sera, sera whatever will be, will be. That song describes the simplicity of a kid's dream and confusingly what future holds for him out of his innocence, as the mother can't help out to pull a better future for her kid but leaving the future to fate. When we hope, we tried our best to realize it but when the heaven seems so silent and prayers left unanswered, we become helpless but give fate to control.
As a dreamer and dreaming of big things to happen in my life,the journey must go on though it remains still a question till now. However,I strongly believe with faith in my heart that God will help me to fulfill my dreams before the due of time.
Frailty as I am, discouragement sometimes knocks me off down to the ground helplessly.I know from start that life is like a boxing, its up to us to escape from the hit of every jab of the opponents and prepare ourselves to face the possible strong blows of life.
Do I leave my future to fate? I just don't know....I'm still asking myself about it..but to be safe, leave it up all to the Lord.
Let me share a nice passage that I received from a friend through text:
"Life is full of uncertainties, we'll never when our time on earth is up till its over. So take many pictures, laugh much, have a long walk with someone, take time to look up at the stars, eat like there's no tomorrow, sing loudly, feel the cold wind, smile a lot and love like you've never been hurt before because every 60 seconds you spend, is a minute of happiness you'll never get back."
What a real awakening..isn't it? My views in life has been changing every battles of life I face on daily..it's so tiring but I need to continue the battle that I have started.